Back to Galleria Pierra Catalog ListGalleria Pierra CatalogColumnsClick column heading to re-sort results list.Product NamePrimary ViewPrimary ModifierX | Y | ZE$timatedThumbnailAbeleUnit ID: 19849 RoundX = 18-1/8" Y = 74-1/8" Z = 18-1/8" $ 1980.00 AdelaideUnit ID: 19902 ArtX = 9-1/2" Y = 86-3/4" Z = 9-1/2" $ 4892.40 AramisUnit ID: 20080 RopeArtX = 26-13/16" Y = 69-5/16" Z = 13" $ 3477.60 BrigidaUnit ID: 19880 X = 10-3/16" Y = 76-1/16" Z = 10-3/16" $ 4176.00 CanteburyUnit ID: 19979 FlutedX = 8" Y = 84-1/2" Z = 8" $ 2318.40 CelsoUnit ID: 19929 Rope X = 8" Y = 86-3/4" Z = 8" $ 2786.40 ChaytonUnit ID: 19850 SpecialShapeX = 10-7/16" Y = 94-3/4" Z = 10-7/16" $ 2332.80 LomanUnit ID: 19868 X = 7-1/8" Y = 63-7/8" Z = 7-1/8" $ 1193.73 Loman 1Unit ID: 19848 X = 8" Y = 74-1/2" Z = 8" $ 2160.00 NolaUnit ID: 19869 X = 9-9/16" Y = 69-5/8" Z = 9-9/16" $ 6606.62 RegineUnit ID: 19919 ArtX = 13-3/8" Y = 120" Z = 13-3/8" $ 13738.26 SarahUnit ID: 19951 Rope X = 8" Y = 86-3/4" Z = 8" $ 3600.00 Solomonic 7ftUnit ID: 14957 SpecialShapeSmoothX = 10" Y = 82-3/4" Z = 10" $ 574.80 ValenciaUnit ID: 19879 X = 11" Y = 74" Z = 11" $ 4560.00 ValentinoUnit ID: 19888 Rope X = 13-1/2" Y = 83" Z = 13-1/2" $ 5359.20 Back to Top