
In the beginning
Before a project is registered and ready to be estimated, there are many questions that may go through a client’s mind. Following are some initial questions and responses.
I am very interested in your product but I don’t know much about it, how can I learn more?
Call our toll free number and request a free catalog from one of our experienced sales technicians. Your sales technician will ask you a few questions to help clarify your needs and send you the appropriate information.
What does your product line consist of?
Our product line includes architectural stone elements such as window and door surrounds, balustrade, and columns. We also provide items such as fireplaces, veneer panels, pavers, flooring, and fountains. These products are all highlighted in our catalogs. We can manufacture these products in cut or cast stone.
Can I get a sample of your cut and cast products?
Yes. Upon request and at no charge to the client, we provide samples so you can examine the product up close.
I like what I see, but how do I get pricing?
First, all of the units shown in your catalogs will provide the material cost of the stone. This gives you a place to start to see how stone may fit in your budget.
What is ‘material cost’?
That is the cost of the stone alone without necessary charges such as drafting, shipping, and custom tooling required to meet your specific needs.
Well, how do I get a bottom line cost?
- Send in your catalog request via fax (preferred), mail, or e-mail. Include the unit ids (or the name and size of the unit desired), the quantity, any modifications you want to make, and the complete shipping address, including zip code. We will submit a proposal that will give you a ‘bottom line’ cost that includes delivery to your job site. We also need your phone and fax numbers to clarify any questions and to actually send the estimate. We are not set up to send estimates by email at this time.
- Send in your architectural plans. Our estimating department will register your project and assign a project manager who will thoroughly review the drawings and provide a line item proposal based on the information you provide. You may also send photographs and sketches. Some clients have even sketched drawings on napkins over a cup of coffee! Again, be sure to include your phone and fax numbers and the complete shipping address including zip code.
What is project registration?
We treat every project with special care and attention. We assign all of our projects unique identification numbers to provide quick reference when you need assistance.
What does a project manager do?
Your project manager will be your main point of contact while your project is being bid. He will discuss the project with you prior to preparing a bid so that your proposal will reflect your needs. He will also assist you after you receive your bid with any questions you may have.
I don’t have plans and I can’t draw, what do I do?
Send us a photo or magazine picture that looks like what you want. Give us approximate sizes of the final project and we can get you at least an initial estimate that can be refined later. If the project is to be custom designed, the shop drawings will cover all the details necessary for final approval. If the project contains standard catalog items, we have existing drawings that can show you the details.
I have a Bid/Estimate that includes shipping and I want to go ahead. Now what?
Sign the Bid/Estimate on each page, on the line "Customer Signature". Send it to us with your deposit. The deposit required will be shown on the first page of the Bid/Estimate under "Terms." This will be either 50% for Stone Legends jobs larger than $3000 or 100% for jobs of less than $3000. Each page of the Bid/Estimate must be signed and the required deposit received to have the job activated.
Stone Magic inventory bids are 100% prepay regardless of the size of the order. Fireplaces that must be manufactured are 50% deposit regardless of the size of the order.
Ok, I have signed my Bid/Estimate and sent in my deposit. Now what?
A job will be set up, activated and assigned to a job manager. If it is a 100% catalog job, you should receive shop drawings in about one week. If custom tooling is required, shop drawings will take longer. However, your job manager should keep you updated on the progress regularly.
For more complete information, please see the "Cast In Stone Chapter" in our Stone Legends First Edition catalog.
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