
While re-tooling of deteriorated natural stone may sometimes be appropriate, restoring the original appearance of cast stone where surface erosion has occurred is difficult or impossible. Tooling or grinding of the surface of the cast stone may expose coarse aggregate beneath the surface and will not, in any case, restore original patterned pigmentation that has weathered away.
Silicate paints or masonry stains may be applied in patterns to replicate the original appearance, but may not be durable or completely successful aesthetically. Where matrix has eroded, it is advisable to accept the weathered appearance of the cast stone, unless extensive replacement is mandated by other factors. Because cast stone depends on exposed aggregate to achieve its aesthetic effect, the use of an applied cementitious surface coating dramatically alters the visual effect of the material and is inappropriate as a cast stone repair technique. A cementitious surface coating can also trap moisture in the cast units and cause surface spalling. |