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Remodeling and Home Design

Presentation Illustrations
Window Surround Attachments
     How to attach a window surround to a wood structure with L-clips, straps, pins, wire, lintel, and screws

Banding Attachment
     Attaching banding, watertable or entablature to steel structure using 2-way clips

Setting Line
     Using a setting line dimension to define how the cast stone profiles will relate to the veneer face

Attachments for spanned beam
     Attaching soffit stones to a steel beam on a spanned entry using pins, brackets ad 2-way clips

Banding Attachment
     Attaching banding, watertable or entablature to steel structure using angle iron, round bar spacers, pins, and wire

Hanging Cealing Attachment
     Attaching a stone ceiling to wood beams using weld plates, threaded inserts and 2-way clips

Hollow Column Attachment
     Attach hollow columns to steel inner inner columns using pins, wire, brackets, L-clips, and tapcon screws

Entablature Attachment
     Attaching stone veneer under a wood roof structure using masonry ties, pins, wire, screws, and nails

Entablature Attachment
Product Group
     Attaching stone veneer under a wood roof structure using masonry ties, pins, wire, screws, and nails

Balustrade Design Options
Product Group
     Methods to finish off a run of balustrade